Captured amongst the otherworldly natural environment of Lanzarote, the campaign follows three individuals as they traverse rocks and ravines. Each is on their own journey, drawn to a monolithic sculpture in the desert. We explore what has been and create what will be, echoing the ties to both old and new at play in the collection.
I wanted the campaign to be shot from graphic, exaggerated angles, immersing the models in the landscape. The visuals, a mix of group and individual stills and videos, were designed to evoke the feeling of a journey through unfamiliar terrain. The final assets included a hero brand film, 10 social-first video edits, and 25 campaign stills.
The campaign spanned a three month rollout across site, social, paid and organic media and OOH across Spain.
Senior Art Director: Jodie Morgan
Brand Director: Jodie Harrison
Photographer: Daniel Beleiu
Director: Ilan Lampl
Stylist: Stephen Mann
Styling Assistant: Guy Miller
HMU: Julia Wren
Production Agency: The Curated